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  • Writer's pictureStembinkosi Ngulube

Let's talk: Kultural appropriation featuring Kim Kardashian

Okay so I believe it is the 21st century and it's high time we started not only accepting each other's cultures but sharing them as well. However, let's address this first.

This is just all the way WRONG. Taking something of such sacred cultural value and filing to make it your own? A kimono, which is a Japanese cultural garment that represents modesty, being used by some rich lady to represent the direct opposite of modesty just because it has her name in it. Is your girl getting this right or just being "emo"? Comment down below.

Anyway back to my initial topic. Cultural appropriation cannot possibly be covered in one post. However, not denying that cultural intolerance and things like blackface are real, sooner or later we have to overcome cultural segregation and be able to share and respect each other's cultures. No there is nothing wrong with a white person having braids, there is nothing wrong with a mixed girl rocking a sari.

Free info: Braids are not a "Black American" thing they originate from Africa so if we want to talk about owning cultures...... that's a whole topic on its own. No, not all black Americans are "African" or as they would say 'come from the motherland'.

We have all adapted each others' cultures over the years, who are you to judge who can wear what? As long as it is not disrespectful to a culture, I see nothing wrong with it. What do you think?

There you go, TEA SPILLED.

SPECIAL CREDS: Erin Ridderhof

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